Lately, I have come to use that word quite liberally.I mean divine as in perfectly created, where only the touch of a master creator,imbuing the world,would have permitted such perfection.So, what is absolutly perfect........?
So many things of course, trite like nature,the body,art and licorice root.
Last night was a moment where the divine spoke through breath, fingers, wood, horse tails (?),metal tubing,and spirit.Mozart was ascending to the sky("kegelslatt'1786) , but Brahms in this chamber quintet litterally swept me up my feet with his passion and complex tempos of emotions.What spirit inhabited his heart and mind to translate them in such wincing beauty ? a divine intervention is what I think.So, go and close your eyes and listen to Brahms quintet for clarinet and string quartet,op.115 (1891).
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